Friday, 4 March 2022

International Womens Day 2022 is a time for reflection! #IWD2022 #GirlTalkZA #BreakTheBias

Who runs the world? Girls! Well, that's how the songs goes. However, all over the globe, women are still fighting for gender equality. 

A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world where women can walk home safely, without being attacked. Together, we can break the bias and celebrate International Women's Day on 8 March.

So, this year, cross your arms to show solidarity and share your #IWD2022 image on social media.

This year's theme is #BreakTheBias! 

Grab your sisters and celebrate each other. Stand against bias and show the world what women can do!

Use the #IWD2022 hashtag