Tuesday, 27 August 2019

#September celebrates the growth of #poetry with the #AfroPoetryTimes. #DigitalMagazine #magazine #PressReader #Poem #Poet

A poet always dreams of growth.

Life, as we all know it, is a beautiful journey that begins with a single step.

Life comes packed with a lot of 'branded' lessons that teach us the skills of survival. Lessons of humility, working hard, 
networking, development, growth etc. All these lessons adequately prepare us as we crank up reality in pursuit of our dreams.

Being a poet is no different.

There comes a certain phase in a poet's life were the ultimate mission automatically becomes that of growth.

Like a watered seedling clamouring for attention, every poet dreams of taking on the world through their work. Some succeed  while others drown in misery. Many never give up until they see the dawn of day. 
In the Afro Poetry Times September issue, we feature some inspirational stories that will add some zest to your success seeking endeavours.

We have interviews with some poets who are doing marvellous things in the sector and we look at a Kenyan poet who left his well 
paying job as a banker to realise his poetry dream.

As usual, we also have some great and amazing poems. So read on and enjoy the Afro Poetry Times – the only poetry magazine that's crafted with you in mind.

Remember you can get all back copies of the Afro Poetry Times on the PressReader App or www.pressreader.com.