Friday, 16 August 2019

SABC's #PSL blackout, even on radio, is killing the masses. #AbsaPrem

Whatever impasse that exists between MultiChoice and SABC, it's unfortunate that ordinary soccerloving South Africans are now affected. It's true that when bull elephants fight, the grass suffers. 

This country has produced legendary soccer commentators like late Phillip "Babayi" Zwane, Cebo Manyaapelo, Dan Setshedi and many others. 

This was because South Africans were never deprived of soccer even during the dark days of apartheid. 

Football in this country means so much, particularly for ordinary people. And radio still plays a crucial role in rural households. 

I don't want to point fingers but it's fair to say the day SABC lost PSL rights was the beginning of all the problems. 

Management of SABC in the last decade or so has left so much to be desired. Whatever decision the SABC takes in the near future, it must take into account the suffering masses who rely on football for entertainment. 

Not everyone can afford the satellite dish and subscription.

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