Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Continue being the strong woman even after #WomensMonth. #GirlTalkZA

August is Women's Month, and one woman who inspires me is Caster Semenya. Even though she has constantly faced difficulty and opposition, she is still standing strong.

Strong women don't consider kindness a weakness, rather they see it as a very necessary part of their being which helps them to connect with others emotionally – and they build others up rather than tear them down.

Strong women don't use their egos for evil, but for good. They see others as their brothers and sisters and treat them as such.

Strong women don't depend on others for their happiness, they create it. If you're a strong woman, you don't let other people's feelings get you down.

You also don't let your own inner turmoil run your life. You rise above and make the best of this beautiful journey. 

Get your copy of the Afro Poetry Times September issue and read the poem that celebrates Xoliswa Tini.