Wednesday, 5 June 2019

The #heroes that give from their hearts without expecting returns deserve their rewards #GirlTalkZA #BackABuddy #Shell

The story of pensioner S'phiwe Msimango, the hospital porter who volunteered for 22 years at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, is touching. 

I couldn't believe a person could volunteer for so many years without a salary and still managed to keep their spirits high. 

I shared the story with friends and all of them said they could volunteer only for three years. Msimango has been helping to feed and move patients around the hospital without complaints and demands. 

He deserved his reward of a bakkie gift. 

Another hero, petrol attendant Nkosikho Mbele, also acted with ubuntu paying for a client's petrol as he was worried about her stalling on a highway. 

We need to emulate Mbele and Msimango, by extending a helping hand without expecting anything in return.