Thursday, 13 June 2019

There is need to reskill unemployed youths. #YouthMonth #YouthDay

This year's Youth Month coincides with the commemoration of 25 years of freedom and democracy.

Both commemorations should interrogate the future of the youth of this country. 

The month should also bring about new approaches to lead the fight against the staggering 27.1% unemployment rate and even worse, youth unemployment rate of 55.2%, which stands out globally.

It is sad to see graduates who cannot find jobs after years of studying. 

Most believed that education was the only freedom, but today they are stuck with certificates and no experience. 

Venturing into new sets of skills and reskilling youth must be considered. It is about time we bring to the attention of government departments and the private sector the limitations of the current skills so that the new crop of youth can be reskilled towards new opportunities.

OR Tambo has always reminded us that "the children of any nation are its future. A country, a movement, a person that does not value its youth and children does not deserve its future".

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