Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Long hours huh! New #research shows that working long hours can lead to a stroke

Working long hours even once a week raises the risk of suffering a stroke by a third, a study has found.

Researchers found that putting in a 10-hour shift at work more than 50 times a year – roughly once a week – was linked to a 29% greater risk of suffering a stroke later in life.

And those who followed this working pattern for at least a decade saw their stroke risk rise by 45%.

The research, which involved 144 000 French workers, also found employees who put in long hours early in their career were at the greatest risk.

The study, from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, said under 50s who had worked long hours for more than a decade were 128% more likely to suffer a stroke.

Dr Richard Francis, head of research at the Stroke Association, said eating healthily, exercising, sleeping well, and stopping smoking can make "a big difference to your health".

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