Monday, 13 January 2020

How to prepare yourself for work #MondayMotivation

The first week back at work is not always easy and people often need some motivation to make it through the first few days.

Here are tips on how to survive:

*Get into a work routine as quickly as possible.

It is not going to be easy, but the quicker you can get yourself back to your usual routine, the better.

You will start enjoying your work.

*Stop dreaming about career changes.

Most people start fantasising about career change during the festive season – but the reality is many never actually do it.

*Avoid social media. Some people are still on holiday and checking their updates will make you feel worse than you already do.

*Tidy up your work station. Remove all the old papers that you do not need any more and make space on your desk.

*Sort out your e-mail inbox. Delete your unread e-mails.

For more inspiration, get the January 2020 edition of Inspire Mzansi on PressReader