Tuesday, 21 January 2020

How to prepare yourself for #university

University can be pretty daunting when you're fresh out of high school and not used to being independent, not to mention the multiple things that are involved with being a university student.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you navigate and win at varsity life.

Learn how to budget

Sometimes you have to sacrifice going out now and then to focus on the more important things.

The best way to keep track of your spending is to create a monthly budget. Make sure you've also got a little saved up for unexpected expenses.

Get the energy flowing

There's no one that can prepare you for all the activities that take place in varsity – all the studying, social activities, parties, rallies etc.

They all require your time and energy but there's only one of you so how do you manage being sociable and network with your mates and still have the time to study and keep the grades up?

Study and prepare

As much as you should have fun and enjoy your time in varsity it's important to remember why you are there in the first place.

Always be prepared for class.

Teamwork makes the dream work

In your first year it would be a great help for you to find a group of classmates that you can study and share notes with.

Find a mentor

Never be too proud to ask for help. A third year student will know more about surviving varsity than one fresh out of high school.

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