Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Rapper Gigi Lamayne launches App that helps jobseekers find work #Myfixer

Gigi Lamayne is spearheading the fight against unemployment by being a co-founder of an app that is aimed at creating job opportunities.

Laymane wants to be more than one of the best South African female artists and make a difference in her community.

Myfixer is an app that helps job seekers find employment, whether it is short or long term and was founded in 2015 due to the high unemployment rates in South Africa.

The digital launch of the programme took place on Saturday. "We are not saying that we're going to resolve all the country's unemployment issues, but we're definitely saying that it is an alternative if you're sitting at home and you don't know what to do with yourself," said Lamayne.

Some of the jobs offered on the app include home cleaning, hairdressing, painting, carpenting, domestic work, plumbing, tutoring, baby sitting, fitness coaching and more.

The rapper also said that people who wished to be a part of the programme had to go through a background check where their information would be verified.

Also, people who don't have qualifications may also apply, provided that they have good references.

Lamayne added that when one is part of the programme, they may have to attend a workshop event.

There they would be further assessed, assisted and provided with free uniforms and once hired, Myfixer would deduct 20% of the wages earned.

"We are doing everything from our own social and financial capital, we are actually looking for people to buy in.

"The people who make the biggest changes are people who can be selfless just for one minute in their power of influence, put down the mic sometimes and remember that you're actually dealing with people, there are real issues and try to work your way around it."

The programme is meant to create more jobs and reduce unemployment rates.

Lamayne said in order for it to run long enough to help a large number of people, sponsors need to come forward and invest in the future of not only the community but South Africa as a country.

The December edition of Trendnation magazine is out. Be inspired to live your life this festive season holiday. Lots of "feel good' stories that will lift your spirit this #KeDezembaBoss