Friday, 15 November 2019

#Mzansi's DJ Fresh wows superstar Steve Harvey #FridayFeeling

American TV personality Steve Harvey has sent a shoutout to 947 radio host DJ Fresh, saying he's "Fresh, that boy got a studio that's as good as my studio in Beverly Hills."

Steve joined Fresh and the team instudio at 947, during his promotional tour in August.

Steve had high praise for the local DJ, saying that he is one of the best. "That boy over there, he knockin' them over the head. See, y'all keep getting underpaid because y'all producing subpar stuff and acting like it's okay. Y'all gotta stop that!"

It's unclear when and where the clip was recorded, but Fresh, replied to the tweet saying: "I love you, Steve Harvey".

Fans took to the comments to congratulate the DJ and express their excitement, with many repeating the phrase: "Real recognising real".

— The Juice

Insider SA.

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