Friday, 12 April 2019

Help the needy children this #winter and create a future for somebody

With the winter season upon us, I'd like to make an appeal to everyone who can help someone with warm clothes to please do so, especially for children.

When you see a child going to school without shoes, and you can give them an old pair or can afford a new pair, please don't hesitate to lend a helping hand.

If your neighbour's child doesn't have a school jersey, please give them one.

They say it takes a village to raise a child and by doing that, you will be playing your part in giving a better life.

Children are a blessing and we should raise them with love. They also say that blessed is the hand that gives. If you give a bit of what you have, you will be given more.

You can't beat the feeling of fulfilment that you get after you've helped someone. By giving, you can create a future for somebody.