Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Look beyond negativity and foster good #WednesdayWisdom

It was simply wonderful to read an uplifting local news story, in among all the negativity that bombards us each day in our broken country!

I am referring to the article about two rural doctors who made sure they would reach their patients at a rural clinic on the Wild Coast, despite the road being blocked by protest action ("Doctor walks extra miles for patients", March 28).

Dr John Mitchell carried 25kg of medication in a backpack, and hiked and swam his way across a river to reach the remote clinic.

His colleague, Dr Sityhilelo Majaja, parked his vehicle at a resident's home and also proceeded to carry on on foot to be able to serve his clinic patients that day.

This is the "service above self" attitude that we could all try to adopt more towards each other.

Not only does this story warm the heart and restore faith in human nature, but it gives some pause for thought.

What could all of us do more of, or do differently, to promote a more positive way of co-existing?

What good does it really do all of us to get mired in negativity and point blaming fingers at one another?

When we start thinking beyond our own frustrations, pains and fears, we find that space opens up for creative solutions, positivity, goodwill and hope.