Thursday, 18 October 2018

Que Lebatha continues helping #entrepreneurs amplify their #brand profiles #GirlTalkZA

Name: Qenehelo Lebatha 

Company: QL Consulting 

Business Line: Public Relations, Social Media, Events Management, Talent Management

Contact: +27 82 357 3852

Companies are constantly on the hunt for innovative ways to increase brand visibility. QL Consulting is a 360 communications firm that helps entrepreneurs amplify their brand profile through a combination of traditional Public relations, social media management and one-on-one talent management. 

Trends Mzansi (TM) caught up with Qenehelo Vuyelwa Rorisang Lebatha (QL) in an exclusive Question and Answer interview to find out more about her business venture and how she moved from being a full time employee to being a PR guru. 

TM: Can you briefly tell us a bit about yourself including your full name:

QL: My name is Qenehelo Vuyelwa Rorisang Lebatha – and I'm an entrepreneur and a new mom.

TM: Can you please tell us about your business, when it was established and what you do? 

QL: QL Consulting is a 360 communications firm that helps entrepreneurs amplify their brand profile through a combination of traditional Public relations, social media management and one-on-one talent management. The business was established in 2015 after a long stretch of working various jobs from corporate through to agency. I had a "quarter life crisis" and came out of it an entrepreneur!

 TM: How did you get where you are  today, and who/what helped you along the way?

QL: I got where I am today by a combination of hard work and incredible luck. My family has been incredibly supportive of my journey and has always ensured I had a safety net in case things don't work out.

TM: What inspired you to venture into business, in particular your line of business?

QL: I was inspired to start the firm when I realised that a lot of entrepreneurs, like myself, struggle to speak about themselves or to tell their story. Keeping in mind that people love to buy products from people so by helping them tell their story-  we in turn tell their company story and amplify their brand profile.  What inspired this line of business is the opportunity to be a part of someone else's success story. After many years of working various jobs from corporate to agency I found my niche freelancing and went ahead and registered the company officially 6 months later.

TM: Did you have any entrepreneurship training or skills prior to launching?

QL: I come from a long line of entrepreneurs, my grandparents, and parents all ran their own businesses so in a way my whole life has been entrepreneurship training.

TM: What are some of the challenges you have endured and how have you overcome these? 

QL: Late payments, clients not paying, delivering mediocre work, not having any work! Challenges as an entrepreneur are vast and diverse. I've overcome some by pure endurance and failing forward – but most importantly I am still overcoming challenges now as every day is a learning experience/

TM: Why should anyone use your service or product?

QL: People that use my product are those looking for a different way to amplify their brand profile  and are looking for someone who celebrates their success as their own and walks that journey with them.

TM: Its quiet clear that you have broken ground and you are doing well. Where do you see your business in the near future? 

QL: Thank you so much 😊In the near future I see expansion for my business. It is very important for me to build as I grow and I'd like to hire more graduates, or people looking to work I the industry – especially female graduates who are looking to go into the working world where I can help them get a leg up – in the same way as many people have helped me.

TM: What advice would you best give to emerging entrepreneurs who are financially struggling? 

QL: Sometimes finding a 9-5 job is the best option. As entrepreneurs many of us are afraid of failure and may consider that a step backwards – however – an arrow only moves forward after being pulled back and we need to be able to have honest conversations with ourselves about finance and what we need to do.

TM: Do you think women feel intimidated in business?

QL: Yes and no. I feel there are certain spaces where women may not be as welcome as others – but feeling intimidated is a personal feeling that affects different people differently.

TM: How do you achieve work-life balance?

QL: We are yet to figure this one out

TM: What have you learned about leadership, entrepreneurship and mentoring others?

QL: I have learned that there is enough cake for everyone! Holding onto to projects or work and not collaborating with others is inherently silly – and the best way for us to grow as entrepreneurs is to collaborate. I've learned that leaders lead from the back and that mentorship can be found anywhere one looks.

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