Wednesday, 24 October 2018

#Moisturizing Low Porosity #Hair Using the Baggy Method #Afrobotanics

There is probably one word that we keep hearing as naturals; in fact we could probably start a petition to have it be our official 'natural' word, "moisture". If you don't already, you should learn how to love this word, because you will hear it a lot, and besides you should know by now that moisture is key to growing hair. But many of us struggle with retaining moisture and frequently ask 'how or where can I get moisture', 'what products can I use to acquire moisture', or 'what's the secret ingredient for moisture'.
Today we are going deep into the Baggy Method, which is a highly recommended moisture infusion method for low porosity hair. Low porosity simply means that your hair struggles to absorb any moisture, even from water-based products, products just sit on the hair and does not saturate or penetrate into the hair shaft, it's hair that is prone to dryness.  Although it struggles to absorb water and let water into the cuticle, this hair type retains water the longest once water gets through.  High porosity hair has cuticles that are open that let water in and out easily, it is also prone to dryness.  Normal porosity hair has cuticles that are open just enough to let water in and keep in for a certain period.

The Baggy method, which may not work for all, but is worth the experiment, is one-way to maintaining luscious and hydrated low porosity coils. It combines extremely simple steps and is only a plus to your already existing hair regimen. Okay, so it's similar to deep conditioning and doesn't require any extra effort, but it does deliver the much-needed nutrients your hair needs. It is advised that you add this method as part of your washday routine.  Start on the day you wash your hair as your hair will be clean.

For best results, do it twice a week for 4 weeks at a time. Or do it daily for a week and you will see a different in the moisture content of your low porosity hair.

There are two ways to go about it, depending on what is suffering the most. 1. Ends or 2. All-over. If you spot that your ends are splitting, dry or brittle, then the emphasis should be on your ends. However, your whole head could benefit from it

  • Use Apple Cider Vinegar, mixed with water to clarify and to remove any product build-up.
  • Apply and rinse out conditioner like our Black Pearl Hydrating Conditioner. Or Amina Deep Penetrating Moisturising Conditioner
Side note: you can do this method on damp hair, however, you are likely to sweat and your hair might not dry. If your hair is not fully dry by the end of the method, you have probably lost some moisture.
  • After leaving your hair to dry naturally but damp, section hair, and apply EITHER a dab of the Afrobotanics Nehanda Leave-In Conditioner or Black Pearl Hair Juice

  • Seal the moisturizer in with a blend of oils (Afrobotanics Mukaya Oil Blend).

  • You can do a braid out, twist out or whichever protective style to your liking. You can also tie the ends together, using hair ties (but not too tightly).
  • Apply a plastic cap
  • Apply head scarf for security
  • Leave products on hair for 3-4 hours, or over night. But not longer than this because it is important that your hair gets to breathe!
  • Undo protective style and style your hair as your like.
If this method is not a success with you, don't worry; we will be posting about other methods that can help your hair retain moisture and ultimate growth, just stay tuned!
Have you tried the Baggy Method? If so, please let us know how did it go in the comments section below.