Friday, 27 March 2015

DA's Mmusi Maimane Delivers Lecture In London

The massive turnout was a source of delight for Blue’s chairperson Francine Higham.

“We’re very lucky that the Homecoming Revolution meant Mmusi was in town,” she said. “We made the most of the opportunity by hold our own event. It’s amazing how many South Africans have turned out to hear him speak.”

Marky Warren, a blogger and supporter of the DA was equally thrilled. “I’ve done a lot of DA events,” Marky told the South African, “and this one gives me the opportunity to meet the future president of South Africa. When he speaks he installs confidence in you.”

Indeed the South Africans in attendance from students, pensioners to DA supporters sat spellbound as Mmusi Maimane took the microphone. In a quiet, passionate and vibrant voice, he told the audience that South Africa despite it’s many challenges, has come a long way since 1994. He implores people to come back to South Africa and start their own businesses.

“We need your skills,” he says. “If you’re an entrepreneur, then the DA will help you.”  He defended the DA walk-out of parliament and predicts an electoral victory in Nelson Mandela Bay (Port Elizabeth) as well as the Western Cape.

In an interview afterwards, he insists South Africa can work well, highlighting the Oscar Pistorius case.

“It put South Africa’s judiciary to the test, and I think the judiciary did an excellent job,” he argued. “It proved that South Africa has a judicial process where everyone can have a fair trial, as opposed to our history, where all of those things were overridden.”

However, Mr  Maimane is not sanguine about South Africa’s negative portrayal internationally. “People should be concerned about South Africa’s records on crime, but that’s something we’re monitoring, to get to a point where South Africa has a police Service that works for people in the country.”

But how successful was Mr Maimane’s call for south Africans to return home?

Francine Higham was most impressed by the call. “I work in digital media,” she enthuses. “And I think there’s a lot of opportunity in South Africa for the digital and tech.  Africa’s environment can be challenging but there are fantastic entrepreneurs.”

However student Caitlin Power is less certain, saying she will stay in the UK a few more years, while Sonja, though interested mentions there should be more change first. “Economic growth would provide jobs, but that’s not going to happen if the Government continues on the path of corruption.”

Marky Warren is also uncertain. “I’ve often wondered if I should go back or stay in the UK,” he reflects. “But one thing Mmusi does do is inspire wanting you to go back to South Africa and build the country with him.”

Francine Higham argues Mmusi’s inspiration was the night’s biggest achievement. “We’ve had a fantastic turnout and Mmusi has inspired South Africans to vote for the DA, and to contribute to South Africa’s future.”

But is the DA really the best party to do this?  Marky Warren had a surprising reply. “Julius Malema has grown up a lot since the ANC kicked him out,” he admits. “He’s turned from someone I couldn’t stand into someone I will listen too now.  But the DA is still the frontrunner in my mind.

Mmusi Maimane ended his speech by calling on the audience to get family and friends back home to vote for the DA next year.

“Call them, text them, e-mail them, stalk them bribe them… I don’t care,” he enthuses drawing a laugh from the audience.  “But get them to come out to vote for the DA.”

So what would Musi Maimane like his audience to carry away with them after tonight?

“What’s wrong with South Africa can be fixed by what’s right with South Africans,” he says earnestly. “They are great people and we can innovate a culture where South  Africa becomes the nation it can be.  It can’t be done by the Government  alone, we must do it together.”