Wednesday, 14 February 2024

#ValentinesDay: Sonia Booth finds comfort in some delicious cheesecake and self love

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but luckily for Sonia Booth, some delicious cheesecake will do this Valentine's Day," writes the Sowetan newspaper. 

Last November, the model's life was rocked by a cheating scandal involving her estranged husband, former soccer star Matthew Booth, and Bongani Mthombeni-Moller. 

Sonia took to social media to expose her husband's infidelity, and the details she revealed were as juicy and scandalous as the homemade cheesecake that became the centerpiece of it all.

The 44-year-old mother of two found herself in the midst of a court case, but she emerged victorious in a defamation suit against Mthombeni-Moller.

 While her divorce is still ongoing, Sonia is now enjoying her Valentine's Day with a peaceful slice of cheesecake.

"I had to put a stop to the gaslighting," Sonia said about her decision to go public with the cheating scandal. 

"At the time of exposing him, I felt nothing. I was numb for a few days. I don't even think I ate."

However, Sonia has turned her lemons into lemonade with the launch of her own cheesecake-branded food products. 

She has created Marula lemon cheesecake-infused gourmet snacks and indulgences for adults under the brand name "Marula Cheesecake Passion." 

The brand is celebrating its one-year anniversary on Valentine's Day, with a Self-Love soirée being held as the first of many celebrations.

Despite the heartbreak she has endured, Sonia still believes in love. 

The journey may have been difficult, but she has found solace and success in her passion for cheesecake.