Sunday, 18 February 2024

Rebecca Oppenheimer donates staggering R15 million to Rise Mzansi

Rise Mzansi, a new political party on the South African landscape, has made headlines recently with the announcement of receiving a substantial amount of funding since its formation last year. 

The party revealed that it has received over R16.7 million in funding, with the majority of the funds coming from Rebecca Oppenheimer, who donated a staggering R15 million to the party.

Rebecca Oppenheimer, the granddaughter of mining magnate Harry Oppenheimer, has a history of funding political parties in South Africa. 

She has previously supported the Democratic Alliance (DA) and ActionSA.

 Oppenheimer's significant contribution to Rise Mzansi has raised eyebrows and sparked discussions about the influence of wealthy donors in politics.

In addition to Oppenheimer's donation, Rise Mzansi also received funding from Main Street, InJozi Design, and Kairo Communications. 

Main Street donated R1 million, while InJozi Design and Kairo Communications contributed R160,000 and R559,000 respectively in donation in-kind.

Rise Mzansi's leader, Songezo Zibi, had previously stated that the party would be transparent about its donors before the elections. 

The party has upheld this promise by disclosing the sources of its funding, emphasizing their commitment to ethical fundraising practices.

Makashule Gana, Rise Mzansi's chief organizer, reiterated the party's stance on accepting donations, stating, "We do not accept donations where we suspect the funds may be the proceeds of crime or where prospective donors want to unduly influence our policies, politics, and decision-making processes." 

This declaration highlights Rise Mzansi's dedication to maintaining integrity and independence in its political endeavors.

As Rise Mzansi continues to make waves in the political arena, its funding sources and commitment to transparency will undoubtedly be closely scrutinized.