Monday, 16 November 2020

8 relationship habits that are more harmful than cheating #MondayMotivation

It's safe to say that many would list cheating as the most damaging thing a person can do in a relationship. But there is something even more stealthy that can erode a relationship from the inside.

The day to day negative interactions show how selfish we can act, how cold we can be, and how unfair we can treat our partner. Basically, prioritizing our own self-benefit, in spite of the fact that it's sabotaging our partner's needs.

1. Never saying 'thank you'

Not saying please and thank you. People need to feel appreciated. If they feel appreciated, then their frame of mind is better and everything in general is better.

You don't need to go ga ga on everything but simply saying "thank you" when they do something is enough.

2. Taken for granted and being way to comfortable

When one stops putting in any effort into the relationship. They become lazy and forgets grooming up.

They get complacent with work and lose their drive. that is getting comfortable in the relationship, and that is completely assuming that someone loves you no matter what.

Things get worse when one person, or both people, stop putting any effort in at all. If you both are in a boring routine life because you've just become complacent with each other, that's not good!

3. Absence of trust

Lack of trust can really screw the relationship. This is so true and so important. Trust is one of the biggest parts of any relationship. If you don't trust each other, it's never going to work long-term. Trust is the great soother of any relationship.

4. Always being hooked with your phone

You can't just hang out with your partner and both glued with their respective phones the whole time. That's weird and not okay.

5. Not being affectionate

Withholding affection is really harmful relationship habit. Some people need it. Others don't function well without it.

6. Acting arrogant and superior towards each other

This can be really harmful as it tears apart your self-esteem. Being treated in a condescending way is horrible. Mutual respect is very important. Don't constantly speak down to each other.

You're partners!

7. Lack of communication

95% of the damage in relationships could be fixed if people just took the time to clearly convey how they're feeling.

8. Lying about small things

Even if it's just a lot of small things it really does add up, it leaves you thinking "What else would they lie about?".