Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Basic #hygiene lessons learnt must be implemented after this #coronavirus pandemic

Lockdown has given us an opportunity to contemplate life after the pandemic.

There are lessons to be learnt but we should all reflect on behaviours before we landed in this situation:

1. South Africans need to start being health-conscious at all times. Washing hands, and covering your mouth when sneezing or coughing should have been the norm before Covid-19. These are basic hygiene measures. Adhering to these disciplines will even help to curtail the spread of common flu and colds.

2. There are companies where the bosses are actually impressed when staff members with colds/flu attend work. This is plain dumb and should result in action against the boss and the staff member. And no-one should feel pressure to attend work if they are unwell.

3. Restaurants and pubs need to jack up their hygiene practices. I regularly see kitchen staff sneezing while preparing food. I have even seen staff members eating with their hands and not only food goes into the mouth but fingers as well. No washing of hands takes place. Surely masks and sanitising soap can be provided? Many patrons exhibit similar behaviours in close proximity to others.

4. I notice, and it seems to be a woman thing, that for some reason a used tissue seems to be regarded as reusable. Some, mostly elderly, ladies even "store" these soggy tissues in their bras, sleeves and handbags. Enough said.

5. Then there are the individuals who walk into a pub, restaurant or office and proudly, even heroically, announce how "full of flu" they are. Are these idiots that desperate to "share" their virus with others?

These are just a few examples of the bad practices that have been going on for years.

There are far worse viruses to come that will make Covid19 look like child's play. Practise good hygiene habits consistently as though there is an epidemic around the corner.

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