Monday, 23 March 2020

It's time to take #coronavirus seriously by practicing what you learn #CoronavirusInSa #Covid_19 #MondayMotivation

Coronavirus is the most serious threat to public health in generations.

The death toll is rising at a horrifying rate, while infections continue to grow. Its severity cannot be underestimated. The reports that are emerging from hospitals across the country are alarming.

And yet the message still seems to be failing to get through to many people.

Crowds flocked outside over the weekend.

Beaches, parks and beauty spots were packed across the nation despite official advice on social distancing.

It made for deeply troubling scenes.

They simply cannot be repeated. People need to realise the consequences their actions can have – and fast.

Everyone has a role to play in the battle against Covid-19.

We must all do our bit and act responsibly.

There is no room for selfishness or complacency.