Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Driver discipline is key this festive season. #ChooseDay Christmas Eve

Reckless driving has become the norm despite fatal crashes which take place daily.

When we see accident scenes, do we think it could never happen to us?

This attitude needs to change if we're to reduce the carnage on our roads.

The government's proposal of dropping the highway speed limit from 120km/h to 100km/h could help to make the roads a little safer.

My appeal to motorists is to make safety a priority over speed. Be a disciplined driver as reckless driving affects other motorists too.

Now, can we all try to change our attitude and become better motorists this holiday season and beyond?

So make the most of this festive season holiday by reading inspirational stories of ordinary people who are doing extra ordinary things. Inspire Mzansi - the inspired always have a way!!!

#Christmas #Xmas #ChristmasEve 1201