Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Broke #SABC could make R1bn in golden income opportunity

So word has it that the SABC won't be screening the forthcoming Rugby World Cup because of money issues. *Big Frown*

Its all become very predictable with our national broadcaster when it comes to premium content programming. The money is simply not there. 

But behold, there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel. 

The South African Broadcasting Commission has a golden opportunity to secure income.

They should insist on the set top box signals being encrypted. This would ensure that "users pay" for services.

This could result in income to the SABC of over a billion rand per annum based on the number of television-viewing households that currently exist in South Africa.

A real gold mine that's just waiting to be explored. And when its explored, I deserve my share of the Rands for my suggestion. *Wink*