Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Be the champion of your life by never giving up. #WednesdayMorning

A wise man once said:"If everyone sweeps the front of his gate, the whole street will be clean."
Let it be known that the socioeconomic challenges we currently face should not push us to getting wasted in the form of abusing alcohol and taking drugs. It simply means we should sit down and chart a way forward on how best we can defeat these challenges.

As opposed to the youth of 1976, our struggle is not poor education, but social challenges such as unemployment, child abuse, HIV, drug and alcohol abuse. 

The million dollar question therefore is: what are we doing as the youth of today in dealing with these societal challenges that seem to be flushing our lives down the drain?

As a youth, I know some of us have resorted to crime, laziness and hopelessness as a way of wiping away the tears of our own failure. 

I know some of us have given up on uplifting our lives because we have tertiary qualifications yet can't get jobs. 

I know some of us have resorted to alcohol and drug abuse just to temporarily shy away from the real problems that are confronting us. 

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Let us not give up, for we owe it to ourselves to better our lives. Let us be creative and come up with ideas that will help shape our lives. 

If we do nothing, we run the risk of becoming nothing. Let us confront our challenges with a positive attitude, for no one else can do it for us.

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