Monday, 25 March 2019

Plan without #Eskom and go #Solar! #Loadshedding

I agree that we must all start to plan without Eskom.

Coal power is obsolete, a major cause of climate change, and any attempt to continue with its environmentally damaging generation is futile, and criminally irresponsible. We must start using renewable alternatives: solar, wind and water.

Do not get a generator as this is more of the same, simply adding to fossil-fuel and noise pollution. It might, initially, be cheaper than solar, but the running costs are madly unsustainable.

There is a small "convenience" solar system: two large panels, four batteries, and a small hybrid inverter, switching between solar and mains, and capable of maintaining all the lights (LED) and two plugs for TV, charging cellphones, etc. for approximately 30 hours in a blackout.

This is fairly expensive to install, but then runs cleanly and without cost, giving the great feeling of using what the sun freely provides.

Yes, you must be careful to choose a competent, reliable installer, but they are around now.

And if you can, especially if you do a new build, or renovations, put in a bigger system which could run a solarfriendly fridge and a small oven.

There is also a two-plate gas hob, so we will not go hungry, either.

So, as 16-year-old Greta Thunberg says, panic, and act now!