Friday, 3 August 2018

#WomensMonth: #SkeemSaam actress Shoki Mmola-Sebotsane opens up about her abusive relationship

Skeem Saam actress Shoki Mmola-Sebotsane opens up about her abusive relationship and calls for justice for all victims of abuse.

The actress, who had accused her former husband of abuse, briefly appeared at the Johannesburg Magistrate Court on Thursday morning and the assault case has since been postponed to 22 August .

IOL reports the actress received support outside the court before she could face her former husband of 10 years, Sello Sebotsane, in court for the trial.

She said outside the court that she wasn't fighting the battle for herself only, but also for other victims of abuse.

"This is not just about me. This is for family – we are saying: 'Do not disrespect our families by punching us,'" she said.

Mmola-Sebotsane, who first opened a case of assault in 2009 after Sello had allegedly beaten her. She also said the abuse didn't stop there, but continued until he allegedly sat on her lap and started choking her in the early hours of the morning.

Mmola-Sebotsane left the marriage in 2016. She made headlines about two years ago when she revealed her story.

During the court appearance, a group of protestors chanted outside the court with placards bearing the words: "Justice for Shoki" and "No to Women Abuse".