Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Who is South Africa's most attractive employer

Conventional business wisdom has come to appreciate the massive contribution that the attracting and attaining of top talent has to the bottom line. The responsibility for the increased value of this important intangible asset sits firmly within the Human Resources capacity.

However, due to the changing political and socio-economic environment in South Africa, retention of core talent continues to be a challenge for most organisations resulting in a continued war for talent. Therefore, understanding the latest trends within the next generation of talented job seekers is essential for the success of any company.

Universum Global, the world's leading employer branding organisation, conducts extensive annual research to understand the next generation of talent's career expectations and preferences. The 2017/2018 survey sheds some very clear insights into how both the macro and micro environments have impacted talent in their career expectations and preferences.

While many experts claim they can predict the next trends within the employment sector, Universum's year-on-year and in-depth research enables the team to accurately understand and predict what young talented job seekers are really looking for in terms of future employment.

With over 45,000 university students and approximately 22,000 young professionals participating in the survey, Universum is able to generate a range of  in-depth insights that shed light into how talent evaluates employer brands, what they find attractive in these employers, and ultimately, which employers are the most attractive in South Africa.

The survey covers a range of study and professional categories including business and commerce, technology and engineering, and natural sciences. The survey's diverse range of respondents and questions means that a range of qualitative and quantitative data is interpreted to uncover an extensive range of insights and trends. These include employer preferences, salary expectations, concerns relating to employment, goals, both short and long term, expectations around training and development, the importance of corporate culture, and much more.

Universum will award the companies voted the most attractive by students and professionals in the following categories:

-Business / Commerce

-Engineering/ Technology

-Natural Sciences

-Humanities / Liberal Arts / Education


-Healthcare / Health Sciences