Tuesday, 29 May 2018

SA delegation in #China for SEZ #Investment roadshow

A South African delegation comprising government officials from the Department of Trade and Industry and representatives of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) has arrived in China for the Special Economic Zones Investment Roadshow taking place from 28-30 May 2018. The roadshow, which is aimed at attracting investors to the country's SEZs is led by the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Bulelani Magwanishe.

The roadshow will take place in the form of a seminar where the South African SEZ delegation will make presentations on South Africa's SEZ value-propositions, opportunities and incentives offered to companies which invest in the zones. The targeted audience include investors, finance institutions and government representatives. The SA delegation will also visit a successful SEZs in Shanghai for the purpose of benchmarking and knowledge-sharing.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Free State Development Corporation, Mr Ikhraam Osman says the roadshow will provide him with an opportunity to attract new investors from China to the Maluti-A-Phofung SEZ that is located in the Eastern Free State town of Harrismith.