Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Tips from a pro on how to remain disciplined in training #Powerade

Former Sharks, Stormers and Ajax Cape Town Mental Performance Coach, Tom Dawson-Squibb, provides critical tips on how to remain disciplined during training to ensure you are at your finest.

1.           Define it

The crucial thing to remember when it comes to discipline is that it is very subjective and therefore, it is imperative to clearly define the context of how you intend to reach your targets. This will enable you to have a finite line in sight. If you leave this too ambiguous you may find yourself becoming increasingly frustrated as you will be unable to evaluate your progress.


2.           Rome wasn't built in a day – baby steps

You are unlikely to go from a couch potatoe to an Olympic athlete in a day so rather try to improve your self-discipline in incremental steps. Take time to reflect on the little gains you have made, from the chocolate you avoided, to the run you went for rather than watching TV. You will gain momentum and become more disciplined far easier in this way than if you try and go from zero to hundred in one day.


3.           Reward yourself for small wins

The more we celebrate our progress is the more we become motivated to do even better. Take time to reward yourself and use the positive energy from the gains and progress you are making, however small it may be in the greater scheme of things.


4.           Attach meaning to the outcome of discipline

There will be sacrifices you will have to make in order to become disciplined as becoming 'disciplined' per se is not that enticing for many people.). It is important to attach meaning to the work you are putting in and the sacrifices you are making so as to keep momentum through the tough times.

If you can take pleasure through the process of training and see value in progress and growth rather than just the end goal itself you are far more likely to become disciplined. Remember, any change brings discomfort and sacrifice, be prepared for that and see the tough times as growth opportunities.

Powerade's 'Power to Beat Your Best' aims to provide athletes with the tools to achieve a personal best time and will be working with a number of South Africa's foremost running, cycling and training experts to challenge athletes to beat their best in 2017.

For more information on 'Power to Beat Your Best' visit - the official hydration partner of the Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon and the Cape Town Cycle Tour.