Monday, 28 August 2017

Now here is a cool app that lets you courier anything around the world #FastVan

South African innovators are shaking up the world with their innovative minds. The latest addition is a real cool app. 

Customers can use Fastvan to submit their delivery requests through their smartphone, with nearby courier drivers notified and able to accept the job. Once the job is accepted, businesses have the chance to track their courier throughout the delivery process.

Whether it's a care package stuffed with rooibos, rusks and whatever other South African treats your loved one can't live without, or an Etsy order that has to get there the next day, doing your research on which delivery service best suits your needs is time consuming – and doesn't always mean it will reach its intended destination.

The app was developed over the last year in San Francisco, and is now available via iOS and Android. Nur s

Using the app, you punch in a range of specifics –what, where, when, how and who – and in return it offers you the best available option.

Then, you upload a photograph of your parcel and track it like an Uber (amazing) all the way to its intended destination.

Customers can rate drivers on the app and receive automatic invoices by e-mail. 

Fastvan has partnered with leading courier companies to offer its customers high quality and real-time services.