Monday, 17 July 2017

Simplify your life in 10 easy steps

Between chasing deadlines and wanting to get ahead, it can get too much. It's easy to fill up our lives because there are so many things that sound amazing, but it can get overwhelming. Why not try to simplify things and trim unnecessary stress from your life?

Always ask

"Will this simplify my life?" If the answer is no, reconsider.

Just say "no"

Overextending your life will complicate your life. Learn to love and protect a little space in your diary.

Declutter your home

Your home is your sanctuary. Get rid of anything that isn't making you feel comfortable, clean, inspired and happy.

Want less

Recognise that you already have everything you need to live a meaningful life.

Own less

How much do you really need? Look at things you haven't used or worn in a year, get rid of them. Give them to charity or someone who actually will use them.

Stop and pause: Just be. Take note of the beautiful things that surround you: nature, a friend, your wonderful home; be grateful for those blessings.

Take a "digital detox

We're in danger of letting life pass us by while we click away.

Simplify your social life

Surround yourself only with people that inspire and support you. Eliminate toxic relationships and make time for those you love. A bigger circle doesn't necessarily mean more love.

Track your expenses

When you know what you're spending your money on, it's possible to make changes. Buy only what you can afford.

Simplify your goals

nstead of having a dozen goals, focus on one goal and give it all of your energy. Not only will it make you less stressed, it will make you more successful.

As long as you do something that makes you happy each day, even if you have a morning and evening routine just to feel more grounded. Life is about choices, choose a simple happy life.

Information courtesy of FedHealth