Wednesday, 26 July 2017

R19 million #Powerball PLUS jackpot winner still to claim prize... Winning ticket expires this week!

What would you do if you were R19 million richer? You would obviously do a lot with such huge amounts of money.

But someone is about to throw that dream out of the window.

Someone in KwaZulu-Natal could be R19-million richer but might not even be aware. The owner of the PowerBall PLUS lottery ticket that won the staggering R19 292 600 jackpot in July last year is yet to come forward and has less than one week left to claim their life-changing winnings.

In case the winnings are not claimed this coming Saturday, the R19.2-million will be forfeited and be retained by the National Lotteries Distribution Trust Fund. Winners have one year to claim their winnings in accordance with the National Lottery terms and conditions.

The winning ticket was bought at The Pie Train shop in Isipingo, Durban and was the only one in the entire country to match all five numbers in the PowerBall PLUS game on Friday July 29, 2016.The PowerBall PLUS jackpot had been very elusive with numerous rollovers which saw it growing to a massive R19.2-million.

Winners of two other big jackpots which include a LOTTO Jackpot of R15-million won in December and a PowerBall PLUS Jackpot of R21-million won last month, are also yet to come forward.