Thursday, 18 May 2017

Take care of your skin this winter

We all know that cold weather means low humidity and this combined with dry air acts as a sponge and soaks up all the water in your skin. When it's cold there's less moisture in the air and winter weather demands skincare that's heavier and that protects the skin more than usual.
Tips to prepare your skin for winter:
-       Use Sunscreen: even though its winter and the sun is not that hot, we still need to protect our skins from the damage caused by UVA and UVB rays.
-       Drink lots of water: Our skins loose vital moisture in the colder months, make sure to keep hydrated from the inside by drinking at least eight cups of water before bed.
-       Avoid the peels: If your skin is prone to be very dry, avoid using harsh peels, masks and alcohol based toners.
-       Avoid super-hot water: Hot water strips your skin of vital moisture. Rather opt for a luke warm wash on your face.