Friday, 22 September 2023

I’m 54 but look 20 thanks to a crucial anti-aging step in my skincare routine #GirlTalkZA

A 54 year old beauty fan has shared the crucial skincare step she always follows to beat signs of ageing.
Despite experts advising against it, the beauty fan says she believes it's helped take years off her face.
Cristina shared her tip in a TikTok video online.

She said: "Let me tell you what I do in my skincare routine that 99% of TikTok will tell you not to do."

"At 54 years old my skin is a flex back in February my skin was not a flex."

The beauty fan said she exfoliates her skin everyday.
She said: "Exfoliation every single day as part of your skincare routine sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night."

"Tretinoin is your king, exfoliation is your queen, behind every good man is a fierce woman kicking a** and taking names."

Over the past six months Cristina argues she's seen a huge transformation in her skin.
She said: "The changes in my skin, the glow, the texture, the discoloration."
However the beauty fan warns there are varying levels of exfoliants which is why she uses different ones each day.
She said; "Exfoliants range from very gentle to very aggressive. Consider your skin sensitivity."

"Sometime it's a toner after I cleanse, sometimes it's part of my face wash, sometimes it's a scrub that I'm actually using as a face wash, sometimes it's peel pads, sometimes it's an overnight peel and sometimes it's good old fashion gloves in the shower with your gloves."

Cristina advises people who want to exfoliate everyday should start off slow and work into including it more in their skincare routines.
She said: "But exfoliation is your queen, you have to work up to it and you have to cycle."

"When I recommend a skincare routine that our doing it twice a week. Never get the to point that you're overdrying your skin, never get to the point that you're damaging your barrier."
"Always make sure that you are really doing it one step at a time, on extra exfoliation per week at a time - see how your skin does."

If you have sensitive skin or other medical issues you may need to exfoliate much less.
But the beauty fan argues it's her best tip to fight signs of aging.
Cristina says: "The holy grail for me and a go big or go home anti ageing routine is exfoliation for me, everyday. sometimes twice a day."