Monday, 3 February 2020

Cassper Nyovest to feature in new #ShotLeft campaign. #MondayMotivation

Musician Cassper Nyovest is going on a trip across South Africa.

Following the signing of an agreement with Universal Music Group (UMG), which led to a partnership #Shotleft2fillup, South African Tourism revealed details of their "Move with Cassper" campaign last week.

Led by the award-winning musician, the campaign hopes to encourage more South Africans to explore their country. The campaign will see Cassper and his friends travel across the country's provinces and immerse themselves in various tourism activities, all in a bid to show South Africans that travelling the country is easy, fun, accessible and affordable.

He posted on Instagram: "I'm coming to your province, share a picture or video of how you have taken a Sho't Left, on any social media platform with the hashtag #Shotleftwithcassper Tag @Shotleft and myself Don't forget to click on the link below and fill in your details too: shotleftwithcassper And you could stand a chance to meet me on a Sho't Left in your backyard."

South African Tourism's head of the domestic hub, Mashoto Mokgethi said the campaign was aimed at encouraging more South Africans to explore the country.

While visiting friends and family remains the top reason for travel in South Africa, travel for pleasure is also one of the most preferred experiences.

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