Thursday, 21 February 2019

Mshoza urges DJ Cleo and Boity to unite in song to fight #abuse

Mshoza has expressed her desire to work with Boity, DJ Cleo and other South African musicians.

She expressed her desire to work with this issue to speak up on the issues of   abuse, rape & gender-based violence in our country

DJ Cleo and Boity were recently involved in a Twitter spat due to DJ Cleo visiting Brickz in prison.

Brickz is a convicted rapist and most people including Boity were outraged with the decision.

Mshoza wants both musicians to call a truce by collaborating with her.

"I call upon the likes of DJ Cleo, Boity and others to unite in song and fight against abuse, rape & gender-based violence in our country. Let the music heal the nation once more. Black twitter let us rise when that song is out.", Mshoza tweeted