Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Five simple steps to motivate yourself #MotivationWednesday

The difference between winning and barely making is motivation. If you're inspired, you can do just about anything you put your mind to.

Follow these useful steps to be inspired:

Choose your goals
You can't change everything right now; you have to decide which goal you want to start with. Ask yourself these questions: What is it that I want to do? How long will it take? What do I specifically want in the end? Be precise. Don't say 'I want to be thin' but rather 'I want to be 70kg'.

Clear the clutter
Get organised. Clear out all the unnecessary things in your life. If you don't use or need it, get rid of it. Your space reflects your state of mind, so if you clear out the clutter so will your mind.

Build your dream team
Don't get motivate by yourself, get friends and colleagues to support you and be on board. You can work towards the same goal together. If you have a group that is working towards the same goal, trying to quit smoking or lose weight, you're more likely to keep at it.

Control your time
Set time aside to achieve your goal. If you want to learn a new language then set aside an hour to do it. If you have a schedule, stick to it.

Do it now!
As the saying goes, 'procrastination is the thief of time'. So don't put it off, just do it. If you don't get your consistency on track and keep saying 'tomorrow' you might never get to do it.