Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Six Failures You Have To Endure To Succeed In Life

We all know nothing good comes easy, yet everyone remains eager to find out what it takes to become successful in life. The truth is, you cannot succeed in your career or personal life without failing a couple of times. The key is ensuring you fail at the right things.

Online news platform, Elite Daily, recently developed a list of six failures you will endure to succeed in life.

A failed career choice

I don’t think there’s anyone who figured this out the first time. In order to find your passion in life, you will have to spend a lot of time deciding on those things that aren’t the right fit. If you are still holding down your first job, it is possible that you are not doing what you ought to be doing. It could also be that you got lucky because most people go through a couple of failed attempts. “It’s usually less about figuring out what you’d like to do and more about what the world has to offer and what you can add to it,” Elite Daily explained.

A failed “healthy” bank account

For you to understand the importance of money, you have to experience a few down times. If you’ve never been broke in your life, you just won’t get it! It is easy to imagine that situation, but you’ll never know how it feels to “figure out how to score a free meal” or exhaust your credit cards and student loans. Being broke at different points of your life will help you appreciate money, and how little you need to get by.

A lot of people do not know how to manage their finances and end up living their lives inefficiently. This way they do not appreciate the simple things in life. Contrary to what we may think, money cannot buy happiness. So we need to avoid any unnecessary spending.

A failed attempt at greatness

Despite the varied definitions of greatness, if you don’t fail or stumble repeatedly, you’ll never appreciate your accomplishments. “If you don’t have to struggle to win, to succeed, to be great, then can you even call it greatness? It’s the struggle and all it takes to overcome the seeming impossibilities that we find awe-inspiring,” read a portion of the Elite Daily article. As long as it comes easy, it isn’t worth praise.

There is a thin line between failing to be great and failing to even attempt being great. It is up to you to decide whether your best is indeed good enough, or not just yet. If you do not give yourself a chance to fail, you will have a harder time achieving the greatness you seek.

A failed serious relationship

Relationships go pear-shaped a lot and most of the time it isn’t our fault. You’ll never appreciate a meaningful relationship, however, until you mess up a really great one.

“It’s easier to brush yourself off and move on with your life when the other person was clearly to blame. When you only have yourself to blame though, you learn lessons that stick with you,” Elite Daily opines, but you are going to have to admit you were the one that screwed things up.

A failed friendship

It takes a long time for you to understand and appreciate the relationships you have with people in your life. It’s not just the romantic ones that teach important life lessons, but also the relationships you have with your friends.

The same way some romantic relationships go sour, there are also toxic friendships. “Once you experience a falling-out with a friend, you understand yourself a little bit better and the life you hope to lead,” the news daily argues. The life we live is most often determined by the company we keep.

A failed understanding of what’s to come

The cause and effect rule is important because we understand the possibility of certain outcomes and prepare for this accordingly. Although it takes time to perfect this skill, it matures over time. Most people forget how to observe and calculate, while others rely on superstition and hope. This is because there are situations whose outcomes are difficult to calculate. “Those of us who understand there’s always something new to observe, always something new to contemplate and calculate, are the ones who usually get furthest in life”.