The campaign follows the journey of Skhumbuzo, or "Skhu", a character in the relentless pursuit of gold. As a true South African, he possesses the innate spirit of uk'fosta, which is the ability to power through hardships, convert adversity into opportunity, and demonstrate remarkable resourcefulness.
Join Skhu on his lighthearted adventures as he goes to find his real gold, and realises Hunter's Gold is the only real gold worth chasing.
"Hunter's Gold keeps the ones abafostayo refreshed. In this campaign, we celebrate that never-give-up attitude, the true grit, determination, passion and perseverance of South Africans," says Nontsikelelo Gumede, Hunter's brand manager.
"This campaign is an entertaining showcase of the spirit of uk'Fosta, the ability to have fun and stay refreshed while pursuing one's goals, no matter how outrageous they may seem."
Hunter's Gold offers the ultimate thirst-quenching cider refreshment from the first gulp, the real gold standard refreshment.
Consumers stand a chance to win a "Gold Experience", valued at R250,000. This exclusive adventure promises winners and three friends a premium Gold VIP Cape Town experience complete with luxurious travel, breathtaking views, adventure-filled days and the refreshing taste of Hunter's Gold.
Purchase any Hunter's product and dial *120*764# or scan the QR code and voila: you could be packing your bags for the gold experience of a lifetime with three of your closest friends. The competition closes on March 31.