Monday 9 January 2017

#ProductReview: #Cadbury Lunch Bar is more than a choc ... Obvias!

Cadbury Lunch Bar is another of those chocolate bars that's been around since forever. It's positioned as an "on the go" snack, making it a tasty treat best enjoyed while you do your daily hustles and bustles.

From the outside, you can already tell that it was packed with all kinds of stuff.

I personally enjoy this treat when it's 3PM, and the dinner bell isn't going to sound for another 5 hours.

Cadbury Lunch Bar Review

Type: Chocolate

Weight: 46g

Eye: Brown

TASTE: there are delicious divots of caramel, peanut and crisped rice to be found within. Overall, it's quite edible and reasonably tasty. I have to say, this is one of the best bars of chocolate I have had.

FEEL: The crisped rice, peanuts and wafer biscuits are mostly noticeable and respond well to a bite. Combine all those flavours together and your taste buds are in for a real treat.

SCORE: 92/100

I don't think I've ever grown out of Picnic bars. I like the random composition of Lunch Bard and you feel like it's quite a substantial snack due to the different, fairly chunky, ingredients.