Friday 22 July 2016

Other household uses for toothpaste that will surprise you

Toothpaste does a great job of keeping our teeth sparkling clean, but have you ever wondered if it does an equally good job cleaning other things? Well, you’re in luck! Toothpaste actually has many surprising uses you’d never have guessed, and it’s conveniently also something everyone always has in the house.

With its multitude of tiny coarse particles and its tendency towards minty freshness, toothpaste is the unexpected helper you need for many of those niggly household quandaries that have you stumped.

Here are a few!

1. Stained mugs
We all know about those pesky brown rings that end up inside mugs that sit with coffee or tea inside them for too long, or aren’t washed quick enough. Don’t be ashamed, we’ve all had them! The good news is that you can rid your cups of these unsightly stains by giving them a good scrubbing with some toothpaste, instead of regular washing up liquid.

2. Piano teeth
Piano keys are essentially musical elephant teeth, so it’s perhaps not that surprising that you can restore yellowed ones to their shiny white selves with toothpaste. Simply brush them with toothpaste and a toothbrush, before wiping them down with a damp cloth.

3. Crayon ‘masterpieces’
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare, but sadly also one that becomes reality more often than not. Small children have an inexplicable love for drawing on white walls with their many coloured crayons, much to the chagrin of unimpressed parents as they futilely try to scrub it off.

So spread the news… the fine abrasive in non-gel toothpaste removes crayon from wall in no time. A scrubbing brush works best, but you can also use a rag. Squirt toothpaste on the wall and get scrubbing. Rinse the wall with water once you’re done.

4. Tacky clothes iron
There are few worse things in life than grabbing the iron to give something a quick once over, only for it to end up covered in those unsightly black marks. But there’s no need to suffer this irksome fate any longer. Use toothpaste to scrub the gunk off the bottom plate of your iron by applying it to the metal when it’s cool, scrub with a rag, then rinse.

5. Fogged up mirrors
You’ve just had a shower and want to shave or floss your teeth, but you can’t see a damn thing in the  fogged up mirror, and who has time for that?! Lucky for you, this can be a problem of the past with the help of your new wonder paste. Simply coat the mirror with non-gel toothpaste and wipe it off again before you get into the shower next time.