Thursday 7 July 2016

5 easy ways to get smooth legs! #BeautyTips

The summer season is rapidly approaching and that means getting ready to show them off again. Frightening, isn’t it? But don’t worry, with a few tips and tricks, you’ll be dying to bare them in that super short mini you scored on sale! Here’s our advice on what you need to get sexy, ready-to-bare legs.

1. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

First, a caveat: only moisturize after you shave.

It’s a common misconception that putting on lotion beforehand will help your legs say smooth, but that actually clogs the pores on your legs, so you don’t even reach all the hair, no matter what smoothing technique you use.

However, a key aspect of learning how to keep legs smooth for a longer amount of time is moisturizing after you get out of the shower or bath.

That will help keep stubble from popping up.

2. Try Waxing

I know waxing hurts, I know it.

But sometimes, getting smooth legs is painful!

Really, though, waxing gets rid of the hair for a longer amount of time.

That’s because you’re getting rid of the roots of the hairs on your leg, rather than just shaving them off at the shaft.

You can do it on your own, with an at home kit, or get it done professionally.

If you’re doing it on your own, though, be careful, and follow the directions very, very closely.

Seriously, I speak from experience!

3. Shave Properly

If you do elect to shave instead, just make sure you do it right.

There is a proper technique, and following it will make your legs stay #baby soft for longer.

It’s important that you always use a specially formulated shaving product, whether it’s a gel, a cream, or a shaving lotion, rather than #body soap.

Move your razor upwards from your ankles to your knees and, if need to, go both toward and against the grain – it depends on how your hair grows.

Also, go slow and steady, so you reduce the risk of those nasty cuts.

For that matter, don’t overuse your razor, don’t let it get dull – that’s unsanitary, it can lead to more cuts, and you won’t get a close shave.

4. No Hot Water

One of the best tips on how to keep your legs smooth involves paying #attention to your water temperature.

It may seem like shaving in really hot water is the best option, but it’s really not, because hot water dries out your skin.

When you do that, your legs don’t get the moisture they need, so stubble is pretty much a given.

You don’t have to shave in super cold water, because that’s bad for a different reason – you’ll keep getting cold chills even as you shave.

Lukewarm water is the perfect medium, and you’ll definitely notice a difference.

5. Use Olive Oil

In line with moisturizing after you shave, this is one of the best techniques for smooth legs I’ve ever come across – and used!

Any of y’all familiar with my posts know that I love olive oil, not just because it’s great to cook with but also because it’s so handy in so many other areas.

For instance, after you’ve shaved them, massage your legs with it at night, before going to #bed.

Make sure your skin has thoroughly absorbe