Tuesday 3 May 2016

Why we love #Shotleft - MiCasa

There is absolutely nothing to hate about the music group Micasa. They have great music, dances, lyrics and are lovely people. The group which is currently on a tour of the nine provinces of South Africa with South African Tourism explained why they are doing the project yesterday at Karibu Leisure Resort in Tzaneen, which is part of their Shotleft tour.

“We didn’t win a tender to do this,” joked Micasa singer J Something. “We just came up with an idea that resonated with what SA Tourism wants to do, to get people travelling our beautiful provinces,” he explained.

J Something went on to explain how these trips not only enrich the lives of the traveller but also those of the places they travel to. “As much as travelling is about yourself, the next you travel, think of the jobs you are creating just by doing that. Look around at the people who are serving you at the hotel and tour guides and operators, you are helping the economy by travelling.”

The group said they are asked if they get tired of the travels and doing the ‘same thing’ all the time, “We hardly do the same thing all the time because all our provinces have so many different things to offer. Also when we travel we get to learn a lot about each other as a people, which helps us understand each other better.’’

Micasa went on to explain their popular hit Chocolat explaining that the reason they made it was to show people that the world has diversity and people should embrace it. “The song talks about white, dark and all types of chocolates and that’s how diverse all humans are and we all prefer certain types of chocolate and there is nothing wrong with that.”

Micasa is currently riding the waves with their album Home Sweet Home with Chocolat being one of the leading singles.
