Saturday 18 May 2024

Security guard triumphs in academia, proving dreams never die #GirlTalkZA

Emily Motau, a security officer at Unisa, defied all odds to achieve her academic dreams, graduating with a BA Honors in Archives and Records Management. Inspired by her family's educational achievements, Motau credits Unisa and her unwavering determination for her success.

"I am tempted to pinch myself to see if this is a dream or if my achievements are real," said Motau. "Unisa played a vital role in making this possible, especially by employing me through insourcing."

Attending her brother's graduation in 2010 and her daughter's in 2018 ignited Motau's drive to pursue her own education. "I always wanted to revive my studies, but I faced many challenges," she said. "I come from a poor family and had to overcome the tragedy of losing my mother."

Despite these obstacles, Motau refused to give up. She said, "It is never too late to achieve your dreams. If you have the hunger and the determination, anything is possible."

Unisa's supportive environment and the opportunity it provided Motau to balance work and study allowed her to excel in her academic pursuits. "I am so grateful for this journey," she said. "It has not only transformed my life but also inspired others around me."