Wednesday 17 July 2019

Does height really matter? #GirlTalkZA

A new study suggests that height of a potential partner doesn't matter that much to women — or does it?

There's actually good news for all the guys who didn't quite make the height cut.

More often than not, when a woman describes her perfect man, "tall" is pretty much one of the key descriptors used among other things like dark, intelligent or handsome.

This point was proven earlier this month by Twitter user @aluve_ngoo whose thread about a date she had with a short guy sparked conversation on social media.

While many people didn't agree with how she went about "describing" her distaste for short men, other girls on the app shared her sentiments.

A Men's Health article about a study, however, implies that women actually don't consider a man's height as much as we assumed.

According to the article, in a study conducted by dating site, they used the findings of a survey conducted on 5 000 women and 5 000 men between the ages of 21 and 50, to determine the preference of most men and women, and it revealed some interesting results.

A whopping 68% of women preferred "shorter" men, while 81% said that they would date a guy who was the same height as them.— Women24.

Anyway get the best poetry on the land and challenge your perceptions in the depth of your thoughts