Tuesday 13 December 2016

Trevor Noah to interview Barack Obama tonite #ComedyCentral #DailyShow

With only a year and-a-half under his belt as host of American television's The Daily Show, South Africa's Trevor Noah has flown the flag high.

Following the drama around the US presidential election, Noah is prepping his lines for his biggest guest to date: President Barack Obama.

Noah's interview with President Obama will take place at The White House. The interview will be broadcast across Africa on Comedy Central, (DStv channel 122) at 9pm tonight.

In the months leading up to the remarkable election, Noah interviewed notable political figures, including former President Bill Clinton (September 15), who received a gift of a balloon drop courtesy of Noah, and Republican presidential candidates Dr Ben Carson (April 19), who entered into a debate with Noah's alter ego, Dr Ken Carson, Senator Lindsay Graham (March 23), who shot pool with Noah, Senator Rand Paul (January 13), who debated with Trevor over glasses of Kentucky bourbon and Governor Chris Christie (September 30), who appeared during Noah's first week as host.

The appearance by Obama on The Daily Show is nothing new as he has been a guest seven times, with the last being in July 2015, one month before former host Jon Stewart departed from the show and announced Noah as his successor. That episode drew 1.514 million viewers. In recent weeks, The Daily Show has averaged 530 000 viewers.

Although the show's ratings have dropped off since Stewart's departure, Noah has gained increased attention since the election for segments such as his recent interview with right-wing commentator Tomi Lahren.

The show has also seen its multiplatform streams increase 180% from a year ago.