Monday 12 December 2016

#Total South Africa fuels children with smiles this festive season

It's that time of the year again where family and friends shower each other with festive and Christmas gifts in celebration of the year that has been. But unfortunately not everybody has the pleasure and joy to enjoy Christmas because of the circumstances they find themselves in.

Statistics show that 40% of South Africa's population is under the age of 18 and a quarter of these children do not live with either of their parents. 21 000 are in institutions, 122 000 live in child-headed households, 500 000 are in foster care and over 1.5 million are double orphans.

Total South Africa is playing its part this festive season by donating to Menzi Children's Home in Tsakane, a home to neglected children with disabilities, children with chronic illnesses, and abused children. Total donated toys to the kids, kitchen appliances and grocery vouchers as well as a R30 000.00 cheque to the home. The donation was made possible by the generous contributions of the Total South Africa staff members with the aim of tackling poverty, hunger and social exclusion, and other related socio-economic anomalies.

"At this time of goodwill and sharing, as Total South Africa, we understand that children are the most important group in our society, as a result, we have chosen 3 children's homes that we are donating to and hosting Christmas parties for," says Nyameka Makonya, Sustainable Development Manager at Total South Africa.

Total also hosted Christmas parties at 2 day-care centres, based in Alexandra Township and Diepsloot and these are through a partnership with Afrika Tikkun, an NGO that develops young people from cradle to career.