Thursday 15 August 2024

Cell C unveils new logo

Cell C unveiled a fresh brand identity at its headquarters on Thursday, aiming to address a key challenge: customer consideration. While the company enjoys high recognition in South Africa, CEO Jorge Mendes highlighted the need to shift the narrative around network quality and service.

"We don't have an awareness problem, but rather a consideration problem," explained Chief Marketing Officer Melanie Forbes. "We're focusing on changing the perception of our network and ensuring our service truly delivers."

This rebranding effort follows a broader company revamp including a second recapitalization in September 2022, which saw Vodacom veteran Jorge Mendes take the helm. Mendes emphasized the importance of a strong team culture and addressing fundamental issues within the business.

"We've focused on stabilizing leadership, hiring top talent, and addressing our core business operations," Mendes said. "This has allowed us to drive performance and focus on profitable growth."

Despite budget constraints, Mendes highlighted the vital role of marketing in a company's success. "Marketing is often the first budget to be cut, but that's a mistake," he stated. "It's essential for driving growth and establishing a strong brand."