
Saturday 31 December 2016

President Zuma wishes #Mzansi a happy, prosperous and productive #2017

President Jacob Zuma on Friday wished all South Africans a happy, productive and prosperous New Year.

Zuma, in a statement, said the country had come to the conclusion "of a fruitful and productive year".

He said in 2016 more had been done in terms of fighting poverty, inequality and unemployment.

Progress had also been made in extending services to people, including housing, water, electricity, accessible education, health care, roads, transport, social grants and fighting hunger through public employment schemes and other programmes, Zuma said.

"Jobs remain high on the list of priorities of our people… we must continue to promote unity in action to reignite economic growth."

He said government, business and labour needed to continue collaborating to support the economy.

"Together, we must take the economic transformation programme forward. We need to change the commanding heights of the economy, and increase the participation of black people as owners and managers."

Zuma said in 2017, meaningful progress must be made on the land reform and restitution programme.

He said one of the key tasks of building social cohesion would be to heighten the fight against racism in 2017.

"All institutions and businesses must promote inclusion and non-racialism. Nobody must be excluded on the basis of colour or race, through subtle and unconstitutional means."