
Friday 30 December 2016

Foods to avoid on #NewYearsEve that can give you bad luck in the new year - According to some #traditions

Okay so i earlier wrote about good luck foods to eat on new years eve. What about those that you need to steer clear from?

Well I googled around and found a few. Please note that these are based on superstitious beliefs by some cultures worldwide.

Lobster, for instance, is said to be a bad idea since they move backwards and could therefore lead to setbacks.

Chicken is also discouraged because the bird scratches backwards, which could cause regret or dwelling on the past.

Another theory warns against eating any winged fowl because good luck could fly away.

But Toby Gilbert, owner of Gilbert's Provisions in Berlin believes New Year's Eve is all about throwing caution to the wind.

"It should be a night devoted to decadence and indulgence," he said. "You know, one last hooray before becoming a better person."

Gilbert says go for the lobster, worry free, and leave luck up to fate.